Monday, 01 March, 2004


The Bookcase Store delivered our new book cases two weeks ago.  Since Debra and I were very busy and out of town for much of the week following, they just sat in the office against the wall for a week.  I screwed the book cases together on Wednesday, and moved books for the next few days.  We now have all of the non-fiction books and paperbacks in the office with us.  That gives us enough space in the master bedroom to put all of the novels and "other stuff."  The whole point of this exercise is to clear books from the spare bedrooms so that I can start remodeling in there.  I'm still not sure where we're going to put all of the knick knacks and geological samples (rocks), but we'll figure something out.  Now all we have to do is find a place to put all the stuff that's in the closets.  Remodeling in-place is turning out to be a very difficult problem.