Sunday, 20 January, 2002
More Super Computing
Right now, I only have two machines on the cluster. onefish is a 333 MHz Pentium 2 with 128 MB of RAM. twofish is a 200 MHz Pentium with 64 MB of RAM. Both are running SuSE Linux 7.0 with pretty much identical configurations (SuSE minimum system to which I've added a few networking services and some development tools). Below are the results from some benchmark tests I ran last night. All times are to render the skyvase.pov using this command line:
./pvmpov +iskyvase.pov +h480 +w640 +FT +v1 -x -d +a0.300 -q9 -mv2.0 -b1000 -nw32 -nh32 -nt4 -L/home/research/pvmpov3_1g_2/povray31/include
Computer Time onefish 1:53 twofish 4:52 cluster (onefish host) 1:24 cluster (twofish host) 1:24
So the addition of twofish to the cluster drops the time from 1:53 to 1:24, a difference of 29 seconds, or about 25 percent. Not bad. It'll be interesting to see what happens as I add the four 166 machines.